In a fictional Louvre Museum Metaverse exhibit competition, we reinterpreted a piece currently displayed there, offering NFTs on Opensea's testnet. Our collection, Pacis Crypto, is inspired by Merry-Joseph Blondel's painting La Paix.
Musée du Louvre
collab.Ella Adatte, Rachelle Allaz, Beatriz de Pury, Morgane Marchon
about.In a fictional Louvre Museum Metaverse exhibit competition, we reinterpreted a piece currently displayed there, offering NFTs on Opensea's testnet. Our collection, Pacis Crypto, is inspired by Merry-Joseph Blondel's painting La Paix.

This is the painting that we chose to reinterpret. It’s an allegory of peace made in 1822. The arms and armor on the ground, as well as the cornucopia and the Caduceus, are all symbols of peace.
In the 21st century, the term “peace” has taken on a whole new meaning : it now compasses not only the laying down of weapons, but also the acceptance of others and the avoiding of confrontations based on different opinions and beliefs.
There are still wars that aren’t waged with weapons today, such as the fight for women’s emancipation, which is the subject of this collection.
We are convinced that once women’s rights will no longer be a battle, a step closer to peace will be made.